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My Vision: HPLR Ethics / Effective Planning in Contributor Mode

HPLR Ethics - Investing/Evaluating in Ethics on 4 corner stones
- Health: Innovate and provide services that people function better both hardware and software wise.
- Planning: Plan how the resources will be allocated efficiently from now and any future projections and what prerequisites people will need to have ahead of time.
- Learning: Motivating people to spend on time that they will learn something useful.
- Relationships: Invest on relationships that can provide sinergy on the other 3 corner stones. On our individual weakness, others can support and can learn from the rest.

HLPR Current Stock Market - Investing/Evaluating on how to monopolize habits of people based on their automatic short shortcuts of their nearest motivation.
- Health: Health guidelines on appropriate diet by doctors professionals do not match with the motivations of people that collaborates a lot with short term satisfaction motivations of people, such as taste from fat and sugar.
- Planning: Planning has been done effectively from school environment and work places, but no planning exists for most people outside of their duties for their personal growth. Internal policies of what they learned do not get applied in their personal life due to having a big sector that distracts them, and that sector is entertainment, from press and movies to fashion and video games.
- Learning: Motivation for learning has dropped to low levels because 1. Technology makes us need to know less and can do it simpler 2. The motivation on learning is not in the same par as the motivation of the entertainment sector and if the individual has to pick between the two, the individual picks the one with the most motivation. Entertainment motivates people on outputs that have little to no results on learning something of value which they can take action and apply it in real life.
- Relationships: Relationships is a way that it only works if people have something to offer on what they really need. There is not a lot of collaboration of people sharing knowledge because people are very sensitive these days due to a low health, planning, and learning lifestyles. Hence, relationships are now more like a fixed or small scope commodity instead of an interface that can accept multiple inputs.

The current problem

Why HLPR Current Stock Market works? Because as long resources are plenty, we can live our life in bad ways or good ways without anybody judging us about it. That can work as long as resources are plenty, but will keep people being empty with wrong motivations and lead them to have psychological problems, will adhere to risks for people not being to sustain or scale up resources for our next generations, will not be prepared when resources are not enough. There have been news that resources will deplete over time, not sure if that is a real fact or not, but if there is no counter argument for people to look ahead of time and do an action about it, that is something that we have to deal about it and not escape out of it that technology one day will cover it up one day. Civilizations risk their own core life for a new technology that will cover it up is a big gamble that may not happen. What if it was better to have some future projections that we are more confident that it will surely happen in the next 5-10 years instead of in the next 10+ years? Secondly, we have seen how crises happened in the last 20 years and how they were handled. Pretty pretty bad with unemployment sky rocketing in some countries that used to be categorized as the "rich sector group". Truth to be told, those crises were very small and they were the tip of the iceberg. What will happen when a real normal crises starts to erupt? Will the people be prepared on it?

The stock market at the current moment will work totally fine because it does not considers the risks above as I mentioned in my previous paragraph. They are considered negligible at the most best. If that is how the stock market works, then finding the short term motivation or whatever motivation people are driven these days and "capturing that motivation" and "making it a habit" or an "investment of the individual to your product for a specific part of time" is what represents value for what a company represents. People selling or buying stocks based on the human capital it has captured is the current sentiment of how we value or perceive things because ethics and any other risks involved by being negligent of the ethics in our world may or may not be part of the plan. It is all up to what the human motivation is behind on how he wants to spend the time. And although there are a lot of people that are driven by right motivation, many are not and many who are can be influenced easily by the ones who do not even if they do not want to. So for these reasons, these chaotic mechanism of the stock market will still work, will still make people happy as their motivation is whatever they define what is really their motivation of, but beyond being a risky investment for our better future of our society, it will keep people empty depleted with short term motivations having a hard purpose to find any real meaning in their life.


Those 4 sectors I may one day (if I ever find it critical) detail what each cornter stone represents. But I hope you guys get the big picture of what it represents. My goal is nevertheless not going to replace the products and services our current stock market is, but become a more important matter or subject where people have to invest their time, for their own good and for the rest good of our society.

I will give a brief introduction nonetheless about what planning is all about as I think it is an important subject.

Effective Planning in Contributor Mode

Planning is an important thing as we are constantly distracted by a lot of information. It has been discussed a lot of times for the "overload of information", but it has got to a point that today, with big data playing around the corner, you cannot make any sense by looking things at an individualistic approach of all the events in your life and form a big picture about it, because there is ton of data that you won't be able to get the "correct big picture". You may have missed something important and it is highly likely relevant it will happen given that there are more participation in the conglomerate world of the internet "actively". Now that entertainment has taken a huge stride and become the main distraction of our world than ever before, finding all the psychological buttons to gain the most motivation of people to take the shortest path more than it used before. There is no commitment of something and people judge things by the cover of the book. This leads that no matter what back and forth, the decisions we make are random and we do not pick the best ones that we should get. Reviews really will not give you the best new product, because once reviews hit a certain threshold, it has become a viral instead of a fair product, that its reviews are probably exaggerated as its on the top of the page. We have to give commitment to a lot of subjects at hand, especially items that have not been evaluated by a lot of people and attain a rank of 2 to 3 out of 5 stars reviews. 2-3 out of 5 star reviews do not exist from student (all get A), gamification systems, to ebay sellers. The idea of no mediocrity to exist because nobody will view them is a problem that has to be solved by giving them fair visibility to them. In addition, there are a lot of products and services that are not yet conglomerated in a portal where people can have more analytic tools in the hand to make better decisions which products fair better or not. In any case, there is so much competition, so much distraction, that there will be no loyalty of usage of that product because you have to invest your time on another thing.

What people miss in doing their life is what they do in education and workplace all their time: Investing in a product like a relationship and evaluating the results. In education, you are committed on a semester and learn some classes, regardless if they are useful or not, without needing to judge the cover of the book. For those that are graduates, they know that most are not practical, but they always influence and give us insights on our main decisions, and that is what counts. We know why this was good and it was not good without not having a good idea what that subject was about because we just judged it by the cover of the book. In workplaces, we commit on projects, that may be a success or a failure in the end, but we do not judge it by the cover of the book. We create prototypes, we implement part of the features, and if it looks good, we just release it to the stakeholders. Without trying, we cannot do anything about it. The most difficult plan for people to do is to make decisions. And the reason people do not make decisions is because they never planned and set a risk that they will do it no matter what. When you have something you want to do and you think about it, you will never make a decision unless you are decisive about it that you will do. Most of the time you will pass the idea as you don't know the risks it will involve doing this and the time you will waste on, but people waste time on thinking of not doing nothing, when they could have invested that time on doing something with some chances the results being positive. Exploration of ideas and allocating that time to do that is good, but "time" how much time you spend allocating your day on exploration and evaluate your exploration tactics whether they were good or not in order to improve your exploration. Many people spend time on exploring things and are stuck on exploring things and being in a stale mindset exploring things. I would for the sake just tell you directly: Learn how to use Contributor mode well even if the means end have no straight goal or clear path on what you do, because although you believe you have a clear path, you do not, because only with a contributor mode you can start driving the car going into real places and exploring real places rather than just fantasizing into your dreams and have wrong perceptions about them. So before there is an attempt to drive solving problems, you have to read the situation of how the problems are in this world, do a free ride and explore, and then apply your solution once you know the situation of the problem very well. So in that mind set, I am expressing a simple tool of an example of setting up your mind have an active contributor thought. The example bellow is demonstrative purposes and can be flexible where the interval points of doing this can span from every week to every few hours:

In the morning spend an hour of what things you are planning to do and do this and nothing else on your free time. Dedicate them like it is your class project. Motivate yourself and set goals for it how you can grade yourself on this. What matters is that you completed the tasks. Results is a thing you cannot control. Allocate a time for a specific task:

- Allocate a time of your exploration of what other tasks you can do and write it down
- Do the tasks you planned as much as you can to the time constraints
- If you see a task you planned was good and you liked it, do more of it tomorrow. Do the opposite if the task you did has not any value. Try to not judge things immediately and give time to them before you give them up or dedicate your whole attention to them as the next thing.

In a use case, I would use toggl and an excel spreadsheet. On toggl, I would create 4 new tasks and set them all to 0 hours spent on them. I would put those 4 tasks in my spreadsheet. I would add new tasks in my excel spreadsheet during my exploration. I would evaluate how much time I planned to spend and how much time I actually spend on the tasks and exploration. I would not do any planning on the night. Just manual writing of what I did without any evaluation. On the next morning I would just evaluate on what I did last night as I will have a fresh mind. Rinse and repeat.

This is so basic, but most people do not do that, they live and breath on the moment. That is not a way to control your life. So as a heads up, a habit of a contributor mode is important, don't let perceiver mode be the procrastinator on all time intervals of your life as that guy never decides things and has a 99% mind set it won't do that in the end, before its too late, exhorter mode will take the party and perceiver mode will be frozen by the emotions of the exhorter mode. Exploration is good, but time it when you are doing it, and let it do its thing in the morning with cooperation of Contributor mode. Letting it run alone really leaves a trail of messy life.